Capitalize and move on

Type: Illustrations and diagrams

Support: Digital drawing

French company named Fleur d’Avocat (Personal project)


These are illustrations for the Newsletter “Capitaliser et avancer - Lettre #162” (Capitalize and move forward - Letter #162) by Lilas Louise Maréchaud, founder of Fleur d’Avocat (a French platform dedicated to lawyers, offering a podcast, a newsletter and specific training courses), and co-founder and CEO of Iris & Thémis (a French law firm job board).

This newsletter tackles the subject of career choices, between professional mobility and continuity. Should you change companies regularly, or stay with your current one?
The illustration assignment is based on two goals:

  • To add an aesthetic and visual touch to the newsletter, which is mainly made up of text,
  • To explain complex concepts such as compound interest, using customized diagrams.

The color palette used reflects the French company Fleur d’Avocat’s corporate colors. Black-and-white illustrations emphasized by a fluorescent yellow that draws attention to important elements, like a highlighter.

Click on an image to enlarge it

Work plan showing all the illustrations and diagrams produced for newsletter n°162.
Overview of illustrations and diagrams
Work plan showing all the illustrations and diagrams produced for newsletter n°162.
Ipad showing the main illustrations from the newsletter
Rendering of the main Newsletter illustration
Contextualizing the illustration of the main topic in the Fleur d’Avocat newsletter.
Ipad showing diagrams from the newsletter
Diagram explaining compound interest
The difference between "compound interest" and "simple interest" is illustrated. It provides a visual explanation to complement the information in the text.
Ipad showing some diagrams from the newsletter
Diagram showing the difference between professional mobility and professional continuity
Schematic illustration defining two different concepts. As with compound interest, this diagram provides a visual support for the text.
Ipad showing illustrations from the newsletter
Illustrations of a concrete example of the Newsletter
This character is illustrated in a number of situations, based on the example given in the Newsletter n°162. He is shown performing different actions according to the concepts described in the example.
Sketches of the creation process of the illustrations and diagrams.
Draft containing the first ideas and reflections of the creative process.