The hold phenomenon
Type: Legal Design
Support: Digital drawing
French lawyer Maître Karine DE LUCA (Personal project)
This is a Legal design for the French podcast “Let’s talk about divorce with Karine” by Maître Karine DE LUCA, a lawyer specializing in family, personal and estate law. The infographic summarizes and explains the important topics broached by Maître DE LUCA in the episode n°55: “Explaining the phenomenon of the hold from the lawyer’s point of view” (Link to the episode).
The ideas are sorted into several parts: a definition, a concrete example, pieces of advice, and explanations. For each part, the ideas discussed in the episode are clarified thanks to illustrations. To add a more human aspect to the Legal design, a mascot embodying Maître DE LUCA also makes some remarks. With this approach, the recipient can quickly and easily understand what the hold phenomenon is, how to get out of it, and why it is important to be aware of it.
The color palette used consists mainly of soft, pastel colors, which harmonize with the lawyer’s visual identity. Contrasting with these pastel hues, intense red and black colors serve to emphasize important elements.
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